A great way to save on your material handling costs is by investing in a used lift truck rather than buying new. Used forklift trucks will typically slash 40-70% off the price tag and if you know what to look for you won't have to sacrifice on quality. With LiftTruckPros.com you can avoid the hassles of picking the wrong used lift truck and buy a machine that will last for years. We help you compare rates and do our best to give you fair comparisons on lift trucks with different backgrounds, and work histories.
A well informed buyer will always have the upper hand in negotiations for a used forklift truck. Being informed means going beyond the typical questions of size, lifting capacity and price and tease out any potential issues with any particular machine. We recommend following these steps to make sure you get a good deal:
Study Repair History - Looking at the maintenance history of a used lift truck can tell you plenty. A sparse repair log on a low hours machine can tell you that the lift truck has not been through the ringer. Significant overhauls can be signs of trouble but should not be deal-breakers. We only recommend that if you find a used forklift truck for sale that has had significant work done, you should only buy from the company who did the work. You can also negotiate maintenance terms and they can vouch for the work completed.
Think Outside The Box - Just because your are looking for a used lift truck to replace an aging 5,000 lbs. lift that has worked fine does not mean you should limit yourself to another lift of the same size or brand. Often the best deals on used lift trucks can be had by buying a larger lift or a slightly different type. For example if your old lift was a Crown and your employees are all comfortable with its operation you may be hesitant to switch brands. However, by switching to a used Toyota forklift truck you may find that their refurbishment process and service agreements make the investment much more worthwhile, rather than just looking at the short term.
Location - Believe it or not location of a used lift truck is important for a few reasons. First, unless you have your own truck, delivery fees can really start to add up if you are further than 40 or 50 miles. Second, if you have issues with the lift you do not want to have to ship it all the way back even if the seller pays for it, it will just waste more time when all you really want is a working lift truck. Lastly, we recommend buying a used forklift truck from a local dealer who can service the lift they sell unless you have your own capable technicians who can fix them in case anything goes wrong. The simple fact is, a used lift truck will break down more often than a new one and having a reliable company to count on for service will make sure you never get stuck.
There really is no better place to research, compare and buy used lift trucks than LiftTruckPros.com so get started now by entering in your requirements in the form above.